Academic Advising
Students will be advised by a professional advisor in the Advising Center. Participants of Career Pathways, TRIO Student Support Services, and/or JAG Early College Success will be advised by an advisor in that program. Students must meet with their assigned academic advisor prior to registration each semester.
Advising Mission Statement:
At UACCB, academic advising is a teaching and learning experience in which the advisor and student work together toward the development and completion of the student’s academic goals.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- develop an educational plan based on assessment of abilities, interests and values
- use campus and community resources as needed to meet educational and life goals
- assume responsibility for meeting academic program requirements
- work with the advisor to register for classes and create a degree plan
- check campus email and use Self Service regularly
Career Pathways
The UACCB Career Pathways Initiative (CPI) is a grant-funded program that assists eligible parents who want to improve their employment opportunities through education and/or training. The following are examples of some services CPI may offer participants to help overcome financial and academic barriers to a high-demand occupation.
- Gas vouchers
- Career and Academic Advising
- Textbook loans or scholarships
- Educational Supplies
- Tuition Assistance
- Business etiquette training
- Employment skills enhancement
- Childcare vouchers
To participate in the UACCB CPI program, an individual (regardless of gender or marital status) must meet income guidelines, be a parent of legal guardian of a child under the age of 21*, and one of the following:
- receive SNAP (food stamps), Medicaid, or AR Kids
- receive Transitional Employment Assistant (TEA)**
- have an annual family income below 250% of federal poverty level
*The child must live in the home with the parent or guardian who is applying for assistance.
**Persons currently receiving TEA assistance will receive expedited enrollment if all eligibility requirement are met.
For more information, please contact CPI at (870)612-2060 or visit CPI in the UACCB Main Classroom Building (MCB) room 229.
Counseling Services
Counseling Services are available FREE to all students at UACCB. The counseling office will be open Monday-Friday 8:00 am-5:00 pm. And is located in MCB 233. If you are suffering with mental health issues like stress, anxiety, depression, please contact Maggie Beshears, LPC. This service can provide other mental health resources. The office number is 870-612-2035, email is This is a non-crisis line. For immediate assistance, please go to the nearest emergency room, contact 9-1-1, or call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1 (800) 273-8255.
The counseling policies and procedures can be viewed on the UACCB website
Career Services
UACCB provides a variety of career services to all students. Services are provided at no cost to the student and are available upon request. Assistance is available in the following areas:
- Career and educational major exploration and research
- Career advising to include creating a resume, job interview preparation, and conducting a job search
- Hosting career fairs, employer workshops, and career learning events
- Hosting a website for job posting and work study position postings
Please email for additional information or to schedule an appointment.
JAG Early College Success
Jobs for Arkansas’ Graduates (JAG) is a state-based national non-profit organization dedicated to supporting young people of great promise. The (JAG) Early College Success program connects JAG high school students, students exiting foster care, homeless students, students with disabilities, or students with low-income to postsecondary education and career training. The UACCB JAG Early College Success program is committed to keeping students engaged through college and helping them successfully transition to rewarding and productive careers. This is accomplished through a blend of trauma-informed care with employer engagement and a learning community. The mission of the UACCB JAG Early College Success program is to remove the academic, economic, or personal barriers to postsecondary enrollment and retention. The UACCB JAG Early College Success program strives to help students understand the steps needed to reach educational, career, and life goals by providing information about resources available to help them succeed and encouraging students to take personal responsibility for achieving their goals. In this advising relationship, the student and coach partner to explore interests, skills, and abilities to help the student succeed both in school and on the job, leading to a productive and rewarding career.
To be eligible to participate in UACCB’s JAG Early College Success program, students must meet the following criteria:
- Between the ages of 14 and 22
- Previously enrolled in a high school JAG program, or
- Are or have been in foster care or homeless, or
- Have achieve a GED or alternative education diploma, and
- Are TANF eligible or economically disadvantaged
JAG serves only 30 students a year. For more information, please contact the JAG College Career Coach at (870) 612-2156 or visit the JAG office in the UACCB Main Classroom Building (MCB) Room 233B.
Testing and Disability Services
Student Development provides assistance with testing services, disability services, ADA compliance and other services listed here.
Disability Services
Disability Services assists in providing equal access for qualified students with disabilities to all curricular and co-curricular opportunities offered by the institution. Specifically, Disability Services works diligently to:
- Ensure that qualified individuals with disabilities receive reasonable and appropriate accommodations so as to have equal access to all institutional programs and services regardless of the type of extent of the disability in compliance with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) of 1990; and the ADA Amendments ACT (ADAAA) of 2008
- Inform the campus community of the availability of equipment and technology helpful to those with disabilities
- Define and describe the procedures for obtaining services and accommodations
- Advocate for equal access, accommodations, and respect for students with disabilities within the campus community
Students must meet with the Testing & Disability Services Specialist before accommodations can be arranged. If accommodations are necessary, a Letter of Accommodation will be prepared by the Testing & Disability Services Specialist for students to give their instructors. We encourage students to contact the Testing & Disability Services Specialist as soon as possible each semester to discuss such matters in confidence.
- All services are provided free of cost as part of the student's tuition.
- Students who wish to receive accommodations should request services each semester and provide a new Letter of Accommodation to instructors.
- Records are protected by FERPA.
- Requests for records from outside agencies must be submitted in writing and bear the signature of the student in question.
- All requests for records may be subject to a one week waiting period to allow for processing.
- Individuals needing testing accommodations should complete the accommodation request process before talking their college placement test at UACCB.
- Students requesting accommodations that require time to arrange should register with the Testing & Disability services office a minimum of ten business days prior to the start of each semester to ensure accommodations are available by the first day of classes. Examples of this include, but are not limited to, texts in alternate formats and audio players. Some accommodations, such as sign language interpreters, may need more than ten days to arrange.
- Students eligible for assistive technology equipment must complete the appropriate checkout from upon receipt of the item and return the item at the conclusion of each semester. Failure to do so may result in a "hold" or charge being placed on the student's account which may affect future registration and access to grades and transcripts.
- Instructors will provide student accommodations only after they have received a current Faculty Accommodation Letter from the student.
- Students may be asked to show identification (student ID or driver's license) before taking an accommodated exam in the Testing Center.
- Personal belongs (cell phones, purses, book bags, etc.) are not permitted in testing areas. Lockers are available for use to store these items.
- Accommodated tests will be given on the same date and time and they are given in class unless approval is provided by the instructor to do otherwise.
- Should cheating occur, the test will be confiscated and the incident reported immediately to the instructor.
Accommodation Request Process
When to Begin the Process
- Students with disabilities should begin the accommodation process as early as possible. Arranging accommodations can require time so students should register with the Testing and Disability Services office a minimum of ten business days prior to the start of each semester to ensure accommodations are available by the first day of classes. Examples of accommodations that take significant time include, but are not limited to, tests in alternate formats and procuring additional technology. Some accommodations, such as sign language interpreters, may need more than ten days to arrange.
- Students may request services at any point during the semester; however, accommodations cannot be used until students have completed the interactive accommodation process with the Testing & Disability Services Specialist, or his or her designee, and accommodations are not retroactive.
How to Receive Accommodations and Services
- Student meets with the Testing & Disability Services Specialist, or his or her designee, to self-identify and discuss accommodation needs and documentation that might be required (call or e-mail for appointment).
- Students provides necessary documentation, if needed, of a disability and/or health condition to the Testing & Disability Services Specialist, or his or her designee.
- Based on the information received in the meeting and the supporting documentation provided the Testing & Disability Services Specialist, or his or her designee, determines appropriate accommodations and completes Faculty Accommodation Letters (FALs).
- The student meets with the Testing & Disability Services specialist, or his or her designee, to discuss the FAL and receive copies of the FAL to give to faculty members.
- The student delivers the FAL to their faculty members and meets to discuss accommodation needs.
- Faculty member signs and returns FAL to Testing & Disability Specialist, or his or her designee, up-to-date and discusses any request to change or update accommodations; if necessary , new FALs can be issued.
Note: A student must request new Faculty Accommodation Letters from the Testing & Disability Services Specialist, or his or her designee, every semester.
ADA Grievance Procedures
The University of Arkansas Community College at Batesville (UACCB) has adopted an internal grievance procedure to allow for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any action prohibited by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Title II state, in part, that "no otherwise qualified disabled individual shall, solely by reason of such disability be excluded from the participation, be denied the benefits for, or be subjected to discrimination in programs or activities sponsored by a public entity."
Individuals who wish to resolve a complaint informally may contact the Testing and Disability Services Specialist before filling a formal grievance. The person should first discuss his/her complaint with the person responsible for the action, interpretation, or application of the regulations leading to the problem.
Formal grievances should be addressed to: Director of Testing and Disability Services, University of Arkansas Community College at Batesville, P.O. Box 3350, Batesville, AR 72503, who has been designated to coordinate ADA compliance for students.
- The grievance must be in writing and include a complainant's name and address, and briefly describe the alleged violation of the regulations.
- A grievance must be filed within 30 days of the event or action giving rise to the student's grievance(s).
- Upon receipt of the grievance, the Director of Student Development will investigate, as may be appropriate. The investigation will be informal, but through, allowing all parties an opportunity to submit evidence related to the complaint.
- A written description regarding the validity of the claim and a description of the resolution shall be issued by the Director of Student Development and a copy mailed to the complainant (or picked up in person) no later than thirty calendar days after the claim is filed.
- The ADA Coordinator shall maintain the files and records of UACCB relating to the complaints filed.
- The complainant may request a reconsideration of the case (an appeal) in instances where he or she is dissatisfied with the resolution. The request for consideration should be filed with the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs within ten working days of receiving the resolution.
- Use of this grievance procedure is not a prerequisite to the pursuit of other remedies, such as the filing of an ADA complaint with the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) (Dallas Regional Office).
If you have questions regarding the disability grievance process please contact: Director of Testing and Disability Services at 870-612-2013 or the Testing & Disability Services Specialist at 870-612-2056.
Recording of Lectures
Students are allowed to record lectures as part of the accommodation process should be aware of the requirements that accompany this accommodation.
- Lecture that are recorded as part of accommodation may not be shared with other people without the consent of the lecturer, this includes, but is not limited to letting another student listen to the lecture, putting the lecture online, giving another student a copy of the lecture, etc.
- Permission to allow the recording is not a transfer of any copyrights in the recording. The recording may not be reproduced or uploaded to publicly accessible we environments.
- Recordings, course materials, and lecture notes may not be ex hanged or distributed for commercial purposes, for compensation, or for any other purpose other than individual study.
- Students may be required to sign a form from each faculty member agreeing to use the recordings in a proper and legal manner.
Academic Materials in Alternative Formats
Alternative formats of tests and classroom materials may be an accommodation for students with disabilities. If alternative tests are required students should be aware of the following.
- Students must purchase their own textbooks and provide proof of purchase before receiving the alternative texts requested.
- If students change their schedule after requesting alternative texts they will be required to inform the Testing & Disability Services specialist.
- Requests for alternative textbooks will be processed in the order they are received by the Testing & Disability Services Specialist.
- Notification to students that items are ready for pick up is made by phone and/or email by the Testing & Disability Services Specialist.
- If assistive technology is needed to use alternative formats, you will need to sign an assistive technology load agreement.
If alternative formats of classroom materials (handouts, worksheets, etc.) are needed the student should let the faculty member know, unless already stated on the faculty accommodation letter. The faculty member will either make them available or contact the Testing & Disability Services Specialist to discuss their options.
Service Animals on Campus
UACCB intends to provide the broadest possible access to service animal in all of its public areas. UACCB is also committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities requiring the use of a service animal can fully participate in classes, services, and activities on the UACCB campus.
The Department of Justice defines service animals as “dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.” The work or tasks must be directly related to the individual’s disability such as guiding a person with impaired vision, alerting a person who is Deaf, deaf, or hard of hearing, pulling a wheelchair, alerting or protecting a person having a seizure, or reminding a person with a mental illness to take a prescribed medication. (Miniature horses may be considered a service animal as defined by the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division.)
Dogs that are not trained to perform tasks that mitigate the effects of a disability, including dogs that are used purely for emotion support, comfort, therapeutic benefit, or companionship, are not service animals under the ADA.
Inquires Regarding Service Animals
When it is not obvious what service an animal provides, only limited inquiries are allowed. Staff may ask two questions: 1) Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? 2) What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?
Staff cannot ask about the person’s disability, require medical documentation, require a special identification or training documentation, or ask that the dog demonstrate a task.
Responsibilities of the Handler
Service animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using these devices. If this is the case, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls. The handler of the service animal is also responsible for:
- Ensuring the animal is clean and in good health including being up-to-date on all immunizations and vaccinations required of service animals by law and/or current city ordinances.
- Properly disposing of the animal's waste, or if unable to properly dispose of the animal's waste without assistance, coordinating with college stall for the proper disposal of waste.
- Any harm or damage that the animal causes to person or property.
Exclusions of Service Animals
A person with a disability may be asked to remove a service animal from the premises if the dog is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control the dog or the dog is not housebroken; if the animal’s behavior, such as barking, is disruptive to the other participants within the facility; or if the animal poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others. The person may choose to attend and participate in activities without the service animal.
Testing Services
The Testing Center is located in the Main Classroom Building (MCB), Room 224 and the phone number is 870-612-2110. The following are the primary tests done in the Testing Center:
- ACCUPLACER placement testing
- CLEP testing; UACCB created test outs (see the catalogs for a list of specific exams)
- Career Readiness Certifications (CRC)
- LPN and RN Entrance Testing
- Make-up exams, online proctored midterms and final exams
- Students will be asked to show a photo identification before taking an exam. We accept: Driver's License, Military ID with photo, passport with photo, work or school ID with current photo, national ID with photo, or tribal card with photo.
- If you don't have one of the above, the State Revenue Office may provide a state ID. Contact: State Revenue Office, 1207 E. Main Street, Batesville, AR 72501, 870-793-7441
- Accommodated tests will be given on the same date and time as they are given in class unless approval is provided by the instructor to do otherwise.
- Should cheating occur, the test will be confiscated and the incident reported immediately to the instructor.
Student Development - Other Services
- The Director of Testing and Disability Services is the official contact for students receiving Trade Adjustment Act Assistance (TAA) funding. Please call 870-612-2013 for more information.
- If you need Training Verification forms from the Department of Workforce Services completed to verify that you are enrolled at UACCB, either go to the Registrar in Independence Hall Room 100 or contact the Director of Student Development, in the Main Classroom Building, room 232.
TRIO Student Support Services
Student Support Services (SSS) is a part of the federally grant funded TRIO program, which is designed to prepare disadvantaged students for successful entry into, retention in, and completion of post-secondary education. SSS provides participants with free one-on-one tutoring, online tutoring academic advisement, transfer counseling, transfer trips, financial aid counseling, informational workshops, cultural experience opportunities, summer scholarship opportunities, mentoring and much more. TRIO SSS is located in the Main Classroom Building, Room 230.
Mission Statement: The TRIO Student Support Services Program (SSS) at UACCB empowers first-generation college students, low-income students, and students with disabilities to explore and engage with their educational and personal goals. It offers comprehensive academic and personal support designed to assist with persistence to graduation and career preparation.
To be eligible to participate in TRIO SSS, students must be a U.S. Citizen, a student at UACCB, and demonstrate an academic need for services. Enrollment in a transferable program is preferred but not required. In addition, students must meet at least one of the following eligibility criteria:
- first-generation college student (neither parent has a four-year college degree), or
- low-income according to federal income guidelines, or
- have a learning of physical disability documented with UACCB Disability Services
TRIO SSS serves only 144 students per academic year. Students interested in participating in the SSS program must complete an application process. For more information, contact 870-612-2173.
Learning Resources Center (Tutoring and Library Services)
Student Success Center
The Student Success Center is located in the Main Classroom Building, Room 216. The phone number is 870-612-2041. The Director of the Student Success Center, professional tutor and qualified peer tutors are available to assist students. Student Success Center is a free tutoring program offered to all UACCB students. Students should sign-in and out while using the Student Success Center services. Appointments or referrals are not necessary to receive tutoring.
- Free Tutoring - The main service provided is tutoring on the individual level. Individual tutoring is provided in courses ranging from developmental to advanced. Assistance is even available for on-line classes. Tutoring is also offered remotely by accessing Student Success Center through Microsoft Teams app.
- Printed Materials - The Student Success Center provides students with pamphlets and printouts on self-esteem, learning styles, text anxiety, and various other self-help aids. Handouts are also available for math, grammar, writing, chemistry, economics, and science.
- Anatomy Models - Anatomy and Physiology, Biology, and nursing program students have found the Student Success Center human anatomical models to be helpful in their studies. There is a human torso complete with the heart, lung, liver, kidneys, and reproductive system. A brain, heart, ear, nerve synapse, eyeball, and skeletal system are available to observe in the Student Success Center. Microscopes are available upon request complete with various slides.
Fall and Spring hours of operation are:
Monday - Thursday: 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Summer hours of operation are:
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Writing Lab
The UACCB Writing Lab is open to all UACCB students who need a little extra help with their writing assignments. The Writing Lab is located in the Row Johns Library Building (RJB) in the back right-hand corner. The lab is staffed at designated hours by Ms. Ashley Walker. She can help students with sentence structure, punctuation, organization, research papers, source citation and other writing issues. No appointment is necessary; however, Ms. Walker does have designated hours. The Writing Lab hours for the semester are available in the library.
Row Johns Library
The Library which is located in the Roy Row, Sr., and Imogene Row Johns Library and Academic Building plays a vital role in the instructional program of the College. As the information center for the College, it provides the following resources: books, computer access to the Internet, computerized information research, and periodicals and audio- visual materials.
The Library is open to all UACCB students, faculty, and staff. Use of the Library and its materials is also extended to members of the community. Tours of the Library and instruction in the use of resources are given to groups on request; individual assistance is always provided. Library materials and equipment are selected to support the curriculum and to serve the instructional needs of the students and faculty. All processed materials are arranged in open stacks using the Library of Congress Classification System.
Financial Aid
General Information
The financial aid program at the University of Arkansas Community College at Batesville is designed for qualified degree seeking, unconditionally admitted students who may need financial assistance to continue their college education. Students may receive scholarships, grants, loans, employment opportunities, or a combination of these types of aid. UACCB participates in most federal and state financial aid programs available to students. Financial aid recipients will be mailed a copy of the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy each year and it is also available on the UACCB website. Federal aid is available for students seeking an associate degree or a technical certificate.
Eligibility for Federal Financial Aid Programs
General Requirements
A student is eligible to apply for financial assistance through Title IV programs (Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant, Federal Stafford Loan, Federal Plus Loan, or Federal College Work Study) if the following criteria are met:
- The applicant completes the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students must complete the FAFSA each year.
- The applicant is a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen.
- The applicant is an unconditionally admitted student enrolled at UACCB.
- The application is seeking an associate degree or a technical certificate.
- The applicant maintains Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).
- The applicant is not in default on a Guaranteed Student Loan (GSL) and/or does not owe a repayment to a Title IV program at any institution.
Federal Financial Aid Programs
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be processed to determine eligibility for the following federal financial aid programs:
Federal Pell Grant
A Federal Pell Grant is awarded to help undergraduate students pay for their education after high school. In compliance with the Federal Pell Grant Program, an undergraduate is one who has not earned a bachelor's or professional degree. This grant program provides a "foundation" of financial aid for many students to which aid from other federal sources may be added. Unlike loans, grants do not have to be repaid. The amount awarded will depend on the Expected Family Contribution (EFC), on the cost of education, enrollment status, and whether or not attendance is for a full academic year or less.
Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
The FSEOG is a grant intended to supplement other aid received. These grants are federally funded with each school receiving a fixed amount each year. Therefore, funds are awarded to a limited number of undergraduate students with exceptional financial need. FSEOG awards do not have to be repaid and usually range from $400 to $600 per academic year depending on the availability of funds.
Federal Stafford Loan
The Federal Stafford Loan is available through the William D. Ford Direct Loan Program to help students pay for their college education. There are two types of Stafford loans, subsidized and unsubsidized. Eligibility for subsidized loans is based on financial need as determined by federal guidelines. The federal government pays the interest for subsidized loans while the student is enrolled at least half time and during the six-month grace period after the student ceases attendance on at least a half-time basis. W ith an unsubsidized loan, the student is responsible for all interest that accrues while attending school and during the six-month grace period. A student may choose to pay only the interest portion while in school, which would keep the loan balance at principal. If a student chooses to defer such payments, the interest will be capitalized, resulting in an increase in both total debt and the amount of monthly payments. Loan repayment begins six months after the student graduates or ceases to be enrolled at least half-time. All borrowers must complete Online Entrance Counseling and a Master Promissory Note prior to the first loan disbursement. All borrowers must also complete Online Exit Counseling upon graduation or termination of enrollment. All federal loan funds must be repaid according to the terms specified in the master promissory note.
Federal Parent Plus Loan
Federal parent plus loans enable parents of dependent students to borrow a variable rate, low-interest loan for each child who is enrolled at least half-time. Parents must pass a credit check with the US Department of Education to be eligible. Parents may borrow up to their student's total cost of attendance less other financial aid received. The total cost of attendance is determined by the Office of Financial Aid based on an average cost for tuition, books, room and board, travel, and miscellaneous expenses for the academic year. Generally, repayment begins within 60 days after the final loan disbursement is made to the borrower.
Federal Work Study
The federal work study program provides jobs for students who qualify and who need an income supplement to help pay for college expenses. Student employment falls into two categories: Federal Work Study, which is determined on the basis of financial need; and Institutional Work Study, which is determined by the degree of work skills possessed and availability of jobs. Earnings will be at least the current federal minimum wage. The total amount that a student earns will depend on the number of hours that the student works each week. Most students work between 10 and 20 hours per week and are paid twice a month. Types of employment include secretarial, clerical, custodial, library, tutoring, maintenance and some off- campus community service jobs.
How to Apply for Federal Financial Aid Programs
Students must complete and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year to apply for federal student financial aid and to apply for most state and college aid. This application is used to determine eligibility for Financial Aid Programs. Certain types of aid are awarded as funds permit on a first- come, first-served basis to those demonstrating need. All participants are encouraged to apply as early as possible. Applying online with FAFSA on the Web is faster and easier than using a paper FAFSA. To apply for financial aid, complete the FAFSA online at federal school code for UACCB is 014042.
Other Federal Financial Aid Programs
Veteran's Affairs
Military service veterans and the sons, daughters, husbands, wives, widows, or widowers of deceased or 100% disabled veterans may be eligible to receive benefits from Veterans’ Affairs. For more information call the Department of Veterans’ Affairs at 888-442-4551 or go online at UACCB’s Veterans’ Affairs representative is located in the Academic Advising Office.
Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA)
The University of Arkansas Community College at Batesville works with the Northcentral Arkansas Development Council (NADC) in placing students in programs. This program can assist students with expenses associated with attending UACCB. For more information contact NADC at 870-793-5233.
State Funded Financial Aid Assistance
The Arkansas Department of Higher Education administers financial aid programs that are available to eligible students in the state of Arkansas. These programs include:
- Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship
- Arkansas Health Education Grant Program
- Arkansas Workforce Challenge
- AR Future Grant
- Career Pathways (UACCB Main Campus Building, Room 236, 870-612-2112)
- Governor's Scholars Program
- Law Enforcement Officers Dependents Scholarship
- Military Dependents Scholarship (formerly MIA/KIA)
- Minority Teaching Scholarship
- Single Parent Scholarship
For applications and information on these programs contact the Arkansas Department of Higher Education at
Eligibility Revisions in Financial Aid
Financial aid recipients may experience changes, cancellation or revisions in their financial aid packages due to any of the following reasons:
- additional outside aid becomes available
- a change in the family's financial circumstances
- a change occurs in the student's enrollment status
- failure to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
- financial aid administrator becomes aware of conflicting information
It is the student's responsibility to notify the Financial Aid Office of changes that may affect the student's eligibility.
Return to Title IV funds (R2T4)
Students who withdraw or are administratively withdrawn from school prior to the 60% completion point of any semester will require a R2T4 calculation to determine how much of their financial aid was earned and how much should be paid back to the school and/or federal government. The withdrawal date is the date that the Registrar’s office receives the official withdrawal form. For a student who did not provide notification of his or her withdrawal to the institution, the date that the institution becomes aware that the student ceased attendance should be used as the withdrawal date. If the student ceases attendance without providing official notification to the institution of his or her withdrawal, the mid-point of the payment period or the last date of recorded attendance is used as the withdrawal date. Only students who have withdrawn from all classes are subject to the return of Title IV funds formula.
The amount that is returned is calculated using the percentage of aid earned by calculating the percentage of the period that the student completed based on the withdrawal date. The amount of aid a student received is considered in the calculation to determine how much was actually earned. If unearned funds are to be returned, the amount that the student or the school must return is calculated.
For a student who provides notification to the institution of his or her withdrawal, R2T4 is determined by the student's withdrawal date or the date of notification of withdrawal, whichever is later. For a student who did not provide notification of his or her withdrawal to the institution, the date that the institution becomes aware that the student ceased attendance is used as the withdrawal date.
Students who unofficially withdraw are identified as having all failing grades (F) on their semester grade report. If students who unofficially withdraw are able to provide documentation proving their attendance in any class after the mid-point of the semester, the financial aid office will then re-calculate R2T4 funds based on the modified date as the withdrawal date.
R2T4 funds will be returned using the following priority:
- Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans
- Subsidized Federal Stafford Loans
- Federal PLUS Loans
- Federal Pell Grants for which a return of funds is required
- Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants
Return to Title IV funds (R2T4)
Federal regulations require Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) to be measured using all attempted coursework, including zero-level coursework and transfer credit. SAP will be reviewed after each fall, spring, and summer semesters. All students are required to maintain SAP, even if no financial aid was previously received. All SAP notices will be sent to the student’s official UACCB email account.
- Students must be admitted and enrolled in an associate degree or eligible certificate granting program.
- Each semester students must also complete a minimum of 67% of cumulative attempted hours. Completed credits include grades of A, B, C, D and P (Pass). For example, the maximum time frame for a 60 credit hour program is 90 hours. 60 divided by 90 is 67%. If a student earns 67% of the credits attempted in each term the student should complete the program within the maximum time frame. If the student takes 12 credit hours in the fall and earns 12 credit hours, the student has earned 100% of credits attempted. In the spring, the student enrolls in 18 credit hours and earns 15 credit hours. He has earned 27 out of 30 attempted hours. 27 divided by 30 is a pace of 90%.
- Withdrawal from the College and/or receiving a 0.00 G.P.A. for a semester are viewed as unsatisfactory progress and those students will be placed on financial aid suspension. Students who withdraw from classes or drop classes will have those courses counted as attempted credits, but not completed credits. (The completion of remedial courses is considered in the 67% attempted/completion standard above.)
- Incomplete course work will be evaluated as failing grades until the course has been satisfactorily completed or an explanation accepted by the Financial Aid Director. Incomplete courses are considered as attempted credit and are evaluated as incomplete coursework for satisfactory academic progress. Incomplete courses are not considered as part of a student’s GPA, but will be considered as part of the overall timeframe to complete a program of study. The grade “I” should only be assigned when a student has not completed a significant component of a course (i.e. an exam, paper or project) and the student has a valid rational for this failure. A student receiving an “I” must meet with his/her instructor and contractually make arrangements to complete the course requirements no later than the end of the next regular semester (fall or spring). The student should maintain a copy of this contract for reference. The instructor, division chair and the Director of Student Information/Registrar will also keep copies of the contract.
- Faculty members will submit the grade by the end of the next regular semester following the one in which the “I” designation was received. The College will change the “I” designation to a grade of “F” if a grade is not assigned within the specified time period. A student may petition for an extension not to exceed one year because of extenuating circumstances. A written request by the student should be submitted to and approved by the Vice Chancellor for Academics. Students may not re-register to take a course for which an “I” designation has been received until the grade designation has been changed.
- Students must achieve a cumulative 2.0 GPA at the end of each semester to maintain satisfactory academic progress.
- If a student changes his/her program of study while attending UACCB, he/she should notify the Financial Aid Office. All credits under all programs of study will be included in the calculation of attempted, earned, and maximum timeframe credits, as well as the cumulative GPA calculation. If a student continues to take classes toward a second degree, after completing all required coursework for a first degree, the student may continue to receive financial aid as long as he meets the 150% timeframe and GPA requirements for the second degree. Students pursuing a second undergraduate degree or certification will need to submit a degree plan approved by their academic advisor indicating the required courses. If approved by the financial aid office, a new maximum time frame will be established for that pursuit.
- If a student repeats courses, all of the attempted credits for each attempt will be considered as part of the calculation for attempted and earned credits. Only the most recent attempt of the course will be considered as earned credit, providing the student completes the course. Repeated courses will not be considered as part of the student’s GPA for the purposes of satisfactory academic progress evaluation. For a student who is eligible for financial aid, only the first two attempts of a course will be funded.
- Remedial courses taken while receiving financial aid are considered as attempted credit hours and are evaluated as part of the calculation for PACE. Additionally, remedial courses are considered credit courses and will be evaluated as part of the student’s GPA.
- If a student does not make satisfactory academic progress he/she will be placed on Financial Aid Warning. The student may continue to receive Title IV aid for the following semester. No appeal is necessary.
- At the end of the Warning semester if the student makes satisfactory progress, the Warning status is removed. If the student does not make satisfactory progress, the student will be placed on financial aid suspension.
- The student may submit a written appeal of financial aid suspension to the UACCB Financial Aid Office if extenuating circumstances exist. Examples of extenuating circumstances may include death of a relative or student injury/illness. The appeal must include why the student failed to make satisfactory progress and what has changed that will allow the student to make satisfactory process at the next evaluation. The appeal may be approved with one of the following status definitions:
- Probation: With this status the student would be eligible for Title IV aid for one additional semester only. If the student makes satisfactory progress at the end of the Probation semester, his status will be updated to Satisfactory. If the student does not make satisfactory academic progress, the student’s financial aid will be placed in a Terminated status with no further avenue for appeal.
- Academic Plan: With this status an individualized academic plan would be developed for the student that will allow the student to make satisfactory academic progress standards by a specific point in time. Examples of academic plan requirements may include, but are not limited to, regularly scheduled meetings with an academic advisor, minimum number of visits to the Student Success Center and financial literacy workshops. At the conclusion of the Academic Plan, if the student makes satisfactory progress, his status will be updated to Satisfactory. If the student is not making satisfactory academic progress the student’s financial aid will be placed in a Terminated status with no further avenue for appeal.