Basic Skills Requirements

Arkansas state law requires that all students enrolling in state supported colleges and universities must demonstrate mastery of basic skills in English, reading, and mathematics. All basic skills courses must be completed with a grade of ā€œCā€ or better before a student can complete an associate degree or technical certificate program. Students who are admitted to the College but who score below established levels on the placement tests, as described in the Placement Policy, will be required to successfully complete basic skills courses. Basic skills and/or preparatory courses may not be used to fulfill any degree/technical certificate or elective course requirement in a program of study.


Satisfactory Completion of Basic Skills

Satisfactory completion of basic skills courses requires the student to earn a grade of ā€œCā€ or better. Students who do not successfully complete basic skills courses will be required to re-enroll in those courses. Students must be on track to complete basic skills requirements within the first 30 hours of coursework. If, at the end of that time period, the student has not completed all basic skills course requirements, he/she will not be allowed to enroll in any other course until the requirements have been met.